/ Support / FAQ / How do I add variations to my Product?

To add variations for your product, please do the following:

  1. Go to the URL https://app.dazzly.co.nz
  2. Login using your Username (email address) and Password
  3. Click on ‘Edit Website’ (or ‘Website‘)
  4. Click on 'Products'
  5. Find the Product you want and click 'Update'
  6. Scroll down to the 'Product options/variations' section
  7. Click the blue 'Add variation' button
  8. Enter a variation name in the input, e.g. Size or Colour
  9. Enter an option for that variation and click the blue 'Add' button to the right of the input
  10. Repeat step 9 for each option you want to add
  11. Once you have added all of your options, click the blue 'Save' button
  12. You should then see your variation added under 'Product combinations'
  13. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Save changes'
  14. Publish your changes by clicking the green 'Publish' button